Monday 9 November 2015

Aaron Sorkin Knows Jobs Film Lacks Mass Appeal.

The writer of the new Steve Jobs film, which has been a flop at the US box office, has told Sky News critical success is more important to him than appealing to the mass market.

Aaron Sorkin won an Oscar in 2011 for his script for the Facebook film The Social Network.

But the Danny Boyle-directed movie about the Apple co-founder has proved embarrassing for Universal, making just $7.3m (£4.8m) in its opening weekend.

Michael Fassbender has been praised for his portrayal of the notoriously difficult Jobs but the Irish-German actor does not have the same appeal as Leonardo DiCaprio or Christian Bale, who were previously linked to the project.

While The Social Network told a story few were familiar with, Jobs has already been the focus of books, a film starring Ashton Kutcher and documentaries.

"I don't try to figure out what it is that most people will like and then give it to them," Sorkin said.

"I try to write what I like and what I think my friends would like and then I keep my fingers crossed that enough other people will like it that I get to keep doing this.

Press Association.
Full story at Yahoo News.

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