Sunday 15 November 2015

Teresa and Joe Giudice Save Mansion From Foreclosure.

When Teresa Giudice leaves prison this Christmas, she’ll be returning home to the sprawling 10,000-square-foot New Jersey mansion that she and husband Joe have managed to save from foreclosure.

A lawyer for the family confirms to Us that Teresa, 43, and Joe, also 43, were able to pay back all the money they owed.

“This is a very big relief and something that Joe and Teresa worked very hard to make happen for their family,” Teresa’s lawyer, James J. Leonard Jr., told Us Weekly.

The couple previously put their infamous Towaca Lake mansion — which often appeared in episodes of The Real Housewives of New Jersey — up for sale after the Giudices fell on hard financial times. The couple originally put their estate up for sale in April for $3 million.

Us Weekly.
Full story at Yahoo Celebrity.

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