Friday 13 November 2015

Thor: Ragnarok to introduce key female villain to Marvel Cinematic Universe.

As well as doing something typical and reprising Chris Hemsworth in his role as the titular Asgardian Avenger, Thor: Ragnarok is looking to do something new within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, according to Lainey Gossip. Thor 3 will reportedly introduce Marvel's "first major female villain" to the movie franchise. However, no more information seems to be known just yet.

Whilst baddies that are women aren't necessarily a new thing when it comes to Marvel's films, Karen Gillan's Nebula in Guardians Of The Galaxy being the most notable, there has never been a female nemesis that has gone up against any of the Avengers alone. So this news is certainly exciting.

There's plenty of candidates when it comes to which female villain could appear in Ragnarok, including Queen Knorda, leader of the Mountain Giants and Hela, Loki's daughter within the comics and Asgardian Goddess of Death. However, in a deleted scene from Avengers: Age Of Ultron released back in September, Thor was seen travelling to the Norn caves with Dr Selvig (Stellan SkarsgÄrd). Within the clip, Thor explains to Selvig that the only way they can stop enemy Ultron is "human sacrifice" and references a stone, which after seeing the whole movie, fans will understand is the mind stone, one of the Infinity Gems that big, bad Thanos has been trying to get his hands on since 2012's Avengers Assemble.

By Amy West.
Full story at Yahoo News.

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