Friday 13 November 2015

Jennifer Lawrence Wants to Get Married (or Maybe Not) and Other Tidbits From Her Latest Interviews.

Jennifer Lawrence in December Vogue (Mikael Jansson/Vogue)

You know how you’re certain that if you just met Jennifer Lawrence you’d instantly become best friends? You’re about to be more convinced than ever. With the final installment of the Hunger Games franchise about to hit screens across the globe, the 25-year-old star remains as charming, hilarious, and (ahem) honest as ever — even when being honest means blatantly contradicting yourself. Here are 11 juicy tidbits from her latest interviews in Vogue and with Diane Sawyer that every future J.Law bestie should know.

1. She hasn’t dated much since breaking up with Chris Martin.
Since Lawrence and Chris Martin (whom she dated for about a year) parted ways, her dating life has been pretty nonexistent. “No one ever asks me out. I am lonely every Saturday night,” she revealed to Vogue. But the mystery of her dateless existence isn’t lost on her.

Elizabeth Durand Streisand.
Full story at Yahoo Celebrity.

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